Thursday, June 24, 2010

Welcome to the House of DangerKitty

OK, I'm tripping a little bit right now but with good reason!

In the past 4 days I have cranked out ONE brand new website from scratch. Check.
Retooled TWO websites basically from the ground floor. Check. Granted, with modern technology and a MAC it's ridiculously easy...I mean come on, I did it! But on the other hand. I DID IT!

Allow me to introduce:

Bitchcraft Radio. The new home of BITCHCRAFT! It's a podcast which will feature the funniest people I know as Guest Bitches...They're not ALL famous.

This site will also house news about the latest dates and goings on for my One Woman Show. It's evolving as we speak and those who have already been will be able to say "I remember when." I'm uber excited about my show in Santa Barbara. I'll be revealing more as details firm up.

DangerKitty Films is me. If you saw me on the street and shouted "Danger Kitty!" at me, I'd respond! And everyone else who is using that moniker should DIE!

This site is all about my film life: past, present and future. I am soooo proud of how this site turned out. It gives me joy just to click on it.

And if you're reading this of course you've seen the gorgeous new look of my blog.

How amazing is it? Am I? Come ON! I am WIZARD.

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